If you ever dreamed of walking on the ocre land of Provence, where the essence of Lavender weaves into every facet of this enchanting region, we’re inviting you to join us in Provence this July for :
An Initiation to Lavender
A 5 Days shamanic all inclusive retreat located on the “plateau of Valensole”, an hour away from Aix-en-Provence, you will participate in an immersive experience in the heart of the Lavender fields.
This event will be held within a ceremonial context where Lavender will be working with you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually in an initiatory way.
Led by Celine and Pam
Assisted by Emma & Julie
Retreat program
Day 1 – Tuesday July 2nd

Arrival in Provence, France
- Ground transportation from MARSEILLE Airport & AIX EN PROVENCE TGV Train Station to the retreat center.
- Opening Sacred Circle: Meet the participants!
- We’ll have a healthy & nourishing dinner together at the retreat center Casa Olta.
- Time to rest & recharge.
Day 2 – Wednesday July 3rd

Land & Lavender
- Discover the Lavender fields in full bloom just before harvest.
- Meet with the plants growers and visit a distillery.
- Open your senses to a potent olfactive experience.
- Together we will connect with the ancient spirits of the land.
- We will create in sacred circle a safe space to work in reciprocity with lavender.
- In the evening we will prepare to dream with Lavender.
Breakfast, lunch and diner will be served at the retreat center Casa Olta.
Day 3 – Thursday July 4th

The Spiritual Scent of Lavender
- Teachings on olfaction, to learn about your incredible olfactive mechanism.
- Reconnect with your sense of smell and reclaim the wisdom available using your innate skills.
- Explore the intimate connection between olfactory skills and emotions.
- Learn from the invisible power of scents.
- Shamanic journey to encounter the soul of Lavender.
- Lavender is one of the most sacred plants, we will welcome its incredible power to rebalance our energetic centers.
Breakfast, lunch and diner will be served at the retreat center Casa Olta.
Day 4 – Friday July 5th

Initiation to Lavender
- Preparation of your Lavender Elixir.
- Sit with Lavender in the fields, expand your sensory awareness, perceive your sensations, daydream, draw from the experience of Lavender.
- Sing with Lavender, listen to Lavender sing with the “Music of the Plants device”.
- Shamanic journey with Lavender.
- Walk a spiral circuit to gain access to the Spirit of Lavender.
- Let Lavender speak through you via a letter or a poem.
- Dream with Lavender.
Day 5 – Saturday July 6th

Initiation to Lavender
- Share your Dreams
- Greenbreath journey
- Create a Prayer Arrow
- “Limpia” in pairs with Lavender
Embody Lavender :
- Begin the process to embody Lavender
- Seeing and being seen as Lavender
- Speaking in Council as Lavender
Day 6 – Sunday July 7th

Initiation to Lavender
- Shamanic dismemberment journey.
- Offerings to Lavender.
- Final sharing and closing of our Circle.
- Completion and Intention Setting for the Time Ahead
- Celebratory Brunch Feast!
- Departures
Retreat Center & Lodging :


registration closed
Regular Price: 2,165 EUROS (vat fREE)
Early Bird Price : 1,865 EUROS (VAT-Free) if you book by February 15th, 2024.
20% Down payment at registration (non-refundable for any reason whatsoever, outside the withdrawal period): 373 EUROS VAT-Free to hold your place as we expect to fill this program quickly.
Full payment due by April 5th, 2024.
Pricing includes:
- Round trip transportation from MARSEILLE AIRPORT or AIX EN PROVENCE TGV TRAIN STATION to the retreat center.
- Accommodations (most rooms have double occupancy with single beds, some rooms have up to 3 beds. If you book your stay early you will be staying at the retreat center CASA OLTA, other single rooms will be available at LE VIEUX CASTEL located nearby.
- Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and refreshments (please let us know about any dietary requirements you may have).
If you’d like to reserve your space please contact me at contact@voyageceleste.com
If you have questions or if you need further details about the retreat please book a 15mn FREE call with me here
This retreat has a limited number of occupants, we suggest you make your reservation as soon as possible to confirm your participation as this event will fill up quickly.
Our Lavender RETREAT
Important Notes:
France is 6 hours ahead of New York, you may want to arrive a few days early to adjust to the time difference and be fully rested to begin on Tuesday July 2nd. You may also wish to visit other areas of Provence or the French Riviera during your initial days in France.
Please be sure your passport is updated and that it will be valid for at least 6 months beyond July 2024.
During the Lavender Initiation , snacks (nuts, nut butter, fruit, rice cakes, tea, refreshments) will be available. Otherwise fasting is suggested during the 2 Days 1/2. For those who are unable to fast due to medical, health or other reasons, kindly let us know.
Your Guides
Celine Roche
Celine Roche is an international event leader and the founder of Voyage Celeste.
She shares shamanic practices and wisdom with both individuals and groups to guide them in their own journey to discovery and healing.
Celine has been training in the field of self development and personal healing for 20 years. French-American by heart, she was born in Provence, studied and lived in California, Arizona, and worked in New York.
Celine had a successful 23-year corporate career as an executive in fragrance creations and was the recipient of The Nancy Poulos Leadership Award in 2018 for 15 years of service to the WFFC (Women in Flavor and Fragrance Commerce).
Her passion for plant fragrances and her deep connection to the land of her family lineage set her on a path to creating work that connects people with the healing power of scents.
She was initiated to shamanism by her spiritual teacher Marilyn Graman and has done extensive training with The Foundation for Shamanic Studies in the USA.
Celine had the honor to be invited to travel to Mongolia and is now a member of Gerliin Urguu France founded by GrandMother Chinggis Ayangat and Celeste Lagioia which shares the tradition and ceremonies of Mongol shamanism.
She is acknowledged as a Shaman practitioner with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, Shamans Directory and The Society for Shamanic Practice. Celine honors her soul’s mission to unify people by hosting global summits and retreats.
Pam Montgomery

Pam Montgomery is an herbalist, author, international teacher, Earth elder and new-paradigm thinker who has passionately embraced her role as a spokesperson for the green beings and has been investigating plants and their intelligent spiritual nature for more than three decades.
She is the author of two books one of which is the highly acclaimed Plant Spirit Healing; A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness and is currently writing her latest and third book, Co-Creative Partnership with Nature.
She teaches internationally and virtually on plant spirit healing, spiritual ecology and co-creative partnership with Nature.
She is a founding member of United Plant Savers and more recently the Organization of Nature Evolutionaries or ONE.
Emma Fitchett

Emma Fitchett MSc is a plant spirit healer, shamanic teacher and author.
She holds a Master’s Degree in ‘The Preservation & Development Of Wisdom Culture & The Art Of Liberation’ in the Tibetan Buddhist Mahayana Tradition, writing her thesis on ‘Understanding The Nature Of The Self Through Lucid Dreaming’.
She has been initiated into and trained in indigenous healing and magical lineages of the British Isles and the Ecuadorian Amazon, is a Yew Mysteries initiate and holds the lineage of the White Serpent. She is also a Geomancer, Pranic Healer & Psychic Surgeon.
Emma has been undertaking plant dietas for 10 years. She also runs the Plant Consciousness Apothecary, a Remote Healing Practice and is the author of Journeys with Plant Spirits published by Inner Traditions / Bear & Co.
Julie Brouard

Julie Brouard is an olfactive coach and the founder of En Quête d’Essence.
She holds a master degree in perfumery from ISIPCA, she is a certified aromatologist and life coach and a menstrual cycle expert. With a profound love for the enchanting world of scents, she embarked on an extensive journey within the fragrance industry, honing her skills as an olfactive expert.
Her true calling eventually led her to immerse herself into the realms of energetic aromatherapy and life coaching, specializing in empowering women on their unique journeys.
She has developed a profound reverence for the sacredness of essential oils and their connection to our spiritual nature and mother Earth.
She delves into their wisdom and teachings to facilitate healing and transformation for the mind, body, and soul. She passionately assists women in constructing a joyful and fulfilling life harmonized with their essence.
We look forward to welcoming you to Provence !
If you’d like to reserve your space please contact me at contact@voyageceleste.com
If you have questions or if you need further details about the retreat please book a 15mn FREE call with me here

Puissance, sagesse et douceur. Ces 3 séances m'ont transformées, j'ai adoré l'aplomb de Céline, sa force et sa sagesse. Je ne connaissais pas le chamanisme, avec Céline nous avons réouvert un espace amnésique, que je cherchais depuis longtemps. Je revis. Gratitude.

Je me suis sentie en confiance à la fois observatrice de mon expérience et la vivant pleinement. Tout ce que Céline m'a expliqué et apporté avant le voyage m’a aidé à y aller avec la certitude que quelque chose allait m’être révélée. La distance géographique, le contact via internet, rien n’a enlevé la magie de l’expérience. Je sens que j’ai la guidance nécessaire pour mener mes projets tout en suivant mon intuition. Mille mercis Céline.

C’était la première fois que je faisais un voyage chamanique. Et ce que j’ai trouvé grâce au voyage de Céline a dépassé mes espérances ! Grâce à l’écoute de Céline, sa bienveillance, sa réelle intention de nous guider, j’ai retrouvé l’essence même de ma mission sur terre. J’ai reçu des signes et en reçois encore qui m’ont inspiré et servent ma vision en me donnant la prochaine étape à faire. Merci Céline pour être la messagère entre les sages et les humains.

Un joli voyage chamanique avec Céline. J’ai pu plonger au cœur de moi-même en allant rencontrer un animal de pouvoir... Elle nous a emmené au rythme du hochet qui m’a tout de suite transporté dans les énergies chamaniques. Je me suis sentie détendue et en confiance. Une expérience que je recommande pour en découvrir plus sur ces animaux qui nous entourent et qui nous guident....

Celine is a gifted and powerful shaman practitioner. I have had multiple healings with her and they have all been profound. Working with her has helped me gain insights about my life and has made me feel more whole physically, emotionally and spiritually . Shamanic work is extraordinary and Celine shares the magic of it with integrity, an open heart and deep commitment to the work. I highly recommend working with her.

Céline is a very capable shaman practitioner. I experience her energetically as the purity of light. Celine radiates kindness, compassion and love. I have personally experienced healings from Celine and her Compassionate Helping Spirits. Her approach to shamanic healing is gentle, yet the healings are quite powerful. I highly recommend Celine.

J'ai suivi la formation Harner Shamanic Counseling™ pendant 5 semaines auprès de Celine. Je n'avais jamais fait de voyages chamaniques auparavant, son accompagnement m'a permis de suivre cette méthode en toute sécurité. Les prises de conscience continuent de m'accompagner dans mon quotidien. J'ai mis en perspective certains aspects de ma vie que je ne voyais pas forcément. J'étais en toute confiance avec Celine qui a su créer un environnement très chaleureux et naturel dans lequel j'ai pu avoir ma propre expérience. Lors des voyages chamaniques, j'ai pu me reconnaître et me réapproprier des choses jusqu'ici oubliées! Depuis, je sens que mon esprit et mon corps ne sont plus séparés. Cette expérience m'a ancrée. Je recommande de faire ce travail avec Celine avec qui je me suis sentie très accompagnée à chaque étape de cette découverte.

Celine has proven herself to be adept at explaining and leading me on a number of journeys. She is patient and is excellent at helping guide me to a deeper understanding of the images and symbols that lead to insight.